The Rich and the Poor
How true is the popular saying “The Rich are getting richer and the Poor are getting poorer”?
A great man once said “if you take all the money in the world and distribute them equally among people, After a while all the money will go back to their original owners”.
Why and Who are the original owners?
The poor are mainly consumers and the rich are mainly investors.
Investors are the “owners” because they wait in anticipation of their reward, they sacrificed the moment and pleasure for the greater tomorrow.
So the question now is “What are you investing?”
Show me a POOR man and I will tell you the reason he is so:
P – Passes
O – Over
O – Opportunities
R – Repeatedly.
At ATEL, We find another definition for a man as RESPONSIBILITY, someone who sees challenges and think of opportunities and solutions; The ability to answer financially and otherwise at:
M – Morning
A – Afternoon and
N – Night.
A Real Man’s Understanding
– Risk is part of life: You must take great risks- at business, work etc. to receive greater rewards.
– Success come with work: You must plan and strategize, you must value profit not wages, you must be focused and you must be determined if you want good success.
– The God-factor: Life event answer to planning and no matter your plan, a real man must know that GOD is the giver of good things.
13 Myths & Facts about Poor People
POOR: “Passing | Over | Opportunities | Repeatedly”
- Give them for free, they will think it is a trap.
- Tell them it’s a small investment, they will say you can’t earn much.
- Tell them to come in BIG, they will say “I don’t have any money”.
- Tell them to try new things, they will say “no experience; has it been proven to work? Who has gained from it before?”.
- Tell them it’s a traditional business, they’ll say “it’s too HARD to do”.
- Tell them it is a new business model, they will say “I don’t do network marketing and how many years has this business model been existing?”.
- Tell them to run a shop, they will say “I will be tied down, I’ll have no freedom”.
- Tell them to follow a 1-year business plan, they will say “it’s too long. Please, I can’t wait for so long”.
- Ask them what can they do? They will say “I can do ANYTHING”.
- They like to ask friends who are as hopeless as themselves to get their opinions. Even the Holy Book acknowledges the fact that blind people don’t lead blind people.
- They think more than a University Professor and do less than a blind man.
Penny wise, Pound foolish. - They argue to defend their actions(comfort zone, dwelling and swimming in their “own type of knowledge”) or why they are poor.
- They have a common believe of what will be will be, which makes them lazy mentally to think out of the box causes them “LACK ACTION!”
Simple Proof and Test for Mentally Lazy People
Anything beyond their reason “can’t work, and therefore it is fraudulent”
The month is still new, and in less than 60 days we begin a new year- 2018
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If you continue to earn what you are earning at the moment all through the months until the end of the year, tell me: will that dream of becoming a financial pillar in your family be achieved by the end of December 2017?
At ATEL, we advice our potential customers on the viability of investing in cryptocurrencies, digital currencies [Bitcoin, PerfectMoney, Altcoin etc.] – Cryptocurrency is an investment that has once surpassed the price of an ounce of Gold, an investment that is globally recognized and steadily adopted by worldbanks and IMF and lastly an investment the Central bank of Nigeria (CBN) has approved some list of Nigerian Banks to venture in- read CBN approval here; and lastly, an investment with geometric growth and interest- In September/October, 1Bitcoin(BTC) = USD$5000+; By November, 1Bitcoin(BTC) = USD$7000+…
What are you waiting for?
Be Smart, Invest today, Be posititve and Be Proactive because the world is not ruled only by prayer warriors but by mental warriors.
At Altecho Trading and Exchange Limited- ATEL, we give you news, opinions, advice and research on Crypto-currency (eCurrency, digital currency), computer/general security issues and the latest internet threats.
Post Credit: ATEL